At some companies, team building days are based on activities that encourage cooperative problem solving, and foster trust. But at a creative agency, they tend to look a bit different, and they serve a different purpose.
Last year, our company trip involved the warmth of the Spanish sun in September, poolside drinking and dance parties, but this year was all about protective head gear, home-grown October drizzle, and perseverance.
Facing our fears
Under the guidance of the experts at Acclimbatize, we found ourselves paddling Derbyshire’s Cromford canal in canoes, abseiling down sheer cliff faces of millstone grit and squeezing through rocky crevices that no fully grown human was ever supposed to squeeze through. We threw axes at targets, shot rubber arrows at each other in some ‘friendly’ rounds of archery tag, and the last ones standing threw themselves into a game of Zorb football, literally.
What happens in Derbyshire
Gathered in a beautifully restored 17th century Georgian mansion, team Fluro enjoyed three days of action and adventure, Halloween-themed hell-raising, and late-night hot-tub sessions. There was laughter and dancing and there was wine and feasting and we all came away with the shared wisdom that what happens in Derbyshire, stays in Derbyshire.
Creative Communion
For us, company trips aren’t a tick-box exercise to foster trust, cooperation and creative problem solving. Because those things happen every day at a creative branding agency. For us, these things aren’t a nice-to-have novelty that we strive for on company day, they’re qualities we rely on daily to keep our creativity primed and to deliver the standard of work we’re so proud of.
Fluro company trips are more about celebrating the bond that we share in our pursuit of creative excellence.
They’re about coming together to play and to keep our imaginations blazing.
They’re the stuff of legend.