

Account Director

My bio

I’ve worked on loads of interesting projects since I’ve been here. What really satisfies me is that although my role is client-facing, I still get a chance to put my creative mark on things. When a big new project comes in, we often have an all-hands agency brainstorm so we get to generate ideas together and be creatively hands-on.

I have a Fine Arts Degree and used to sculpt and do ceramics. Art is still an important part of who I am and I enjoy lino-printing at home. In fact, we’ve just built an art shed at the bottom of the garden to give us some space.

I’m done with big cities. Living and working where I do and going out running with our Basenji hound Ludo: that does it for me.

Articles I’ve Written

Getting the balance right

The real powerhouse of lead generation

Reading Time: 3 minutes By now you should know that at Fluro, brand comes first. Get your brand right, and it will be your most powerful marketing tool, leading... Read more

May 17, 2024
1 + 1 = 3

Do I really need branding?

Reading Time: 3 minutes It’ll come as no surprise from a branding agency, but we believe that a brand should form the foundation of all your marketing activities. Building... Read more

September 12, 2022
Your audience is ready, are you?

Video Content: Your Audience is Ready, Are You?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Research shows that the demand for video content is outstripping the current supply. Which isn’t surprising if you think about it. We’re consuming videos at... Read more

April 25, 2022
Fluro branded products

Our Most Difficult Client Ever

Reading Time: 2 minutes Last year, Fluro celebrated its ten year anniversary and it felt like the right time to freshen up our look and feel. So we decided... Read more

June 28, 2019
Psixty website on various devices

5 Tips on Creating Better Websites

Reading Time: 4 minutes Here at Fluro, we’ve been creating new websites. Lots of them. Lukcily, it’s something we love to do. We’re particularly proud of our latest work... Read more

April 15, 2019