AI use statement

Technology is moving fast these days and the marketing world seems to be keeping pace. To help stay ahead of the curve, we’re using AI to deliver better, faster results for our clients and improve our impact within the digital marketing landscape.

We understand the growing concerns about privacy, quality, ethics and security surrounding the use of AI. So, to address these concerns, we’d like to share our views on AI and our commitment to the responsible use of this exciting technology.


Ethics and Privacy

Protecting your data and safeguarding your privacy is as important to us as it is to you. We ensure that the AI tools we use at Fluro Ltd are checked for responsible data handling, safety and privacy standards.


Efficiency and Efficacy

AI is a powerful tool, and as with any profession, we aim to use the right tools for the job. At Fluro, we use AI to save time by minimising repetitive administrative tasks, streamlining tedious processes, and to help stimulate ideas. We’ll only use AI if it means improving results for our clients and enhancing their experience with Fluro.



As a creative agency, we’re the first ones to defend the value of our team. We don’t believe that AI is a replacement for human flair, thought and ingenuity. We’ll only use AI to support and amplify the unique skills and talent of our creative team.



Just as we engage with the Internet, software and tech devices, we’re all accountable for the way we use AI as individuals and as a business. Our commitment to encourage the responsible use of AI is built into our policies, training and culture.



If you have any further or more specific questions about the ways we use AI, just ask. We’re happy to share the details of your specific project. It’s our intention to make the best and most practical use of all technologies to advance our ways of working and serve our clients better.